When I had the leadership training with Simon it opened my eyes to see my own personality and how I had to change as a leader first, before I could change other people. Simon showed me where I was on the insights discovery wheel which is the foundation to how and why you lead in a certain way. Realising I lead a team in this way made me understand more about my leadership skills and Simon was able to direct me in the best way forward. I was able to change the way I viewed a situation and where normally I would shy away from being direct, I have been able to confront situations head-on and with confidence. Simon has shown me how to deal with difficult situations as a leader and understand my staff better and from this, it has given me confidence and skills to lead better.

I am now able to understand situations in the workplace as a whole and also from an individual perspective due to the skills I have learnt. I feel more confident to delegate and trust my team with certain projects. I have learnt I am good at coaching my team and imparting vision. I now feel certain I can handle situations better and feel confident in doing so.